Monday, December 12, 2011

Youth Congress 2011

Yeah! Finally I'm back from this one-week church camp! First of all, the photos taken is not ready yet, meaning I can't upload any pictures just yet, so maybe I'll upload some in my next post... For now, let's just listen to me blah a long post for u, which I always do, haha...

This year, the camp is based on the World Youth Day 2011 theme... some of you might not know anything abt it... actually it's a worldwide gathering of youths which is held every 2 or 3 years, and this year it was held in Madrid around August... so what our priest did was using the WYD 2011 as our theme for the camp... the idea was used in 2008 too, but this year, the downside is that the WYD theme song is not that nice, haha... Compare the two songs below and u'll know =)

Overall, this has to be the most tiring camp I've been to in my life, because of the position I held, which was the committee for Spiritual group... I have to be in charge of so many stuffs... I've been in committee before for red crescent and still managed to get the fun out of them, but this time the situation is so much different... The problem is that I got into the committee later than the others, and I didn't know what to do until 5 days before the camp, which is a complete disaster =.=

I guess all the participants and committee can see I'm one of the busiest person in the camp... u'll see me running in and out all the time, and wherever I go, I always have two things with me, which is my hp and a pendrive containing all my stuffs... every night when all the participants go to bed, we committee have to run a meeting, and after that, some of us will go to kitchen there to chat and eat snacks or noodle cups... While the others are enjoying themselves, I'm forced to bring a laptop n my pendrive along cuz I have to check my slides for the next day... that was how busy I was ><

Through this camp, I have to say, I'd rather be a participant rather than a committee member... one reason is that participants get to be more relaxed without having to be in charge of anything and getting much more sleep... but more importantly, participants can focus much more and benefit more on the spiritual side, which is the main reason I joined this camp in the first place... anyway, this has been a precious experience for me as a committee... as busy as I was, I still enjoyed myself a lot and made new frens... I'll definitely join again next time, no matter as committee or participant... =)

P.S. Stay tuned for the next post, I'll post pics of the camp to let u know more abt it... xD

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