Monday, December 5, 2011

Teaching little kids!!

Okay, I've not blogged for more than a week now, and there are reasons to that... I have been so busy that I always get lazy to blog anything at all... FYI, I'll be going to an one week camp on Monday, which means today, though I'm writing this during past midnight... which means I won't be blogging again for another week... surely I'm not gonna leave my blog to rot for 2 weeks, haha, so I had to force myself to write something here though I'm extremely tired now...

Well, as mentioned in the last post, I had been teaching little kids about Christian knowledge... I have been helping out in this every year since I was in Form 2, except Form 5 when it crashed with my SPM... Teenagers around my age normally just help out other older teachers in class, but for the last two years, I have already been 'promoted' to be a main teacher, which means I'm the one who teach and I have younger teachers following me into class, haha...

This year, the biggest difference is that the committee decided to open 2 classes for kindergarten children, which means TROUBLE to us teachers... these kids are the cutest, yet the NAUGHTIEST as ever... it's so hard to control them because they are so pure in thoughts and just do anything they like... I had quite a tough time teaching them as I was one of the teachers in a kindy class... as tough as it was, it was quite an experience ><

In a blink of an eye, two weeks are gone just like that... but I'm quite satisfied with my experience this year, as I got to spend time with church friends as well as getting to know many other new friends, hahaha... Actually the reason I've been so busy lately is not just because I was teaching from morning to afternoon, but mainly because I'm one of the committee members for my upcoming camp... I have been running in and out for the past few days just to get my jobs done... Let's pray that everything will go well in this camp... See you all in one week ^^

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