Friday, November 25, 2011

Worries? Problems?

As I said at the end of my previous post, I'm currently volunteering as a teacher in church to teach little kids about Christian knowledge... all of that, I shall talk about them in my next post...

Anyway, today while I was in the 'staffroom' with a few young teachers like me chatting and laughing crazily among ourselves, one of the elder teachers who was sitting nearby us asked us, "Do you young people have worries or problems? And what are them? (你们年轻人有烦恼的吗? 是什么呢?)", because she thinks we don't... Some of my frens started to say stuffs like studies, money and other typical stuffs... Then I asked that teacher what abt her? She told us her responsibility is a a big worry for her, everything abt her family, her children's future, desires, studies...

Honestly, if you compare both of them, teenagers' worries are much less significant as compared to adults' worries... how much responsibility is actually placed on a teenager's shoulders? To be honest, other than studies, there's not much real worries for us other than those created by ourselves for us...

However, for me personally, sometimes my worries do not just end with studies... money is a big part of my concern everyday in my life... Due to the tough situation of my family's finance, I have to buy almost everything by myself... I'm just thankful to God that I was given scholarships, small or big throughout my life, so that I could ease the pressure on my parents...

Well, the main point of my post here is that, I guess we, as teenagers especially, should always stay grateful to God for everything that has been given to us, and not always sulk around abt this and that... There's a lot of other ppl who are less fortunate than us in terms of health, money, family relationships etc. Now when I look back at my previous posts worrying abt not getting a gf, I can't help but to think how stupid I sound back then... From now on, I shall always thank God for everything He has given me, no matter how tough situations might seem to be at times... let us all learn to be grateful and thankful in life at all times... =D

This is so true! ^^

Monday, November 21, 2011

Church camp~~

Phew, I just came back from a 3-day church camp called 圣神同祷会 yesterday... it was held at the Sibu Pastoral Centre and organized by the prayer group of my church... This is the very first time I've joined this annual camp, though it has been around for quite long dy... guess one of the reason I joined was just to cure my boredom n get out of my house, haha... however, I was in for a treat, as I reli loved the camp in the end... =)

The theme for the camp this year is 我心深处, the deepest part of my heart... that's the part of the heart where all the sorrows and injuries are hidden away with us not realizing it at all, so the main point of this camp was to heal our hearts' deepest sorrows and injuries... of cuz there were other normal programmes which they carry out every year in the camp, such as Inner Healing, Baptism with Holy Spirit, Praise and Worship, speaking in tongues and many more... those who aren't Catholics, dun think u'll know what I just mentioned, haha...

Anyway, I realized that the participants for this camp are mostly adults, and I'm talking about 40-70 years old adults... and as a result, the meals prepared had to be suited to their taste too... >< However, I still had some good frens in there around my age, so I wasn't that bored at all...

Well, all in all, I certainly learnt some lessons in there... I learnt that we shud at all times put God above anything else in our lives... God's love is what matters, not anyone else's love... and I promised God that I will regret my sins completely and not repeat them ever again, which I pray I can achieve, haha... and through the inner healing and baptism of Holy Spirit, I felt much more closer to God than ever before...

I just hope I get to join this camp every year from now on... As for now, I'm currently helping out as a teacher in church to teach little kids christian knowledge for 2 weeks, hope it all goes well... =D

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Do Women Date Assholes?

I wonder how many of u would agree with the guy in the youtube video below? I think I agree for most of the girls, not all... lol... >.<

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Well, after 2 short months as a teacher in SMK Sacred Heart, today is finally the last day... I'm officially retired as a teacher!! I guess the larger part of my heart is just feeling relieved and relaxed that it's finally over, that I dun have to face all those problems I've faced before anymore... on the other hand, the rest of my heart kinda feels like I'm gonna miss all the good and cute students, and oso students calling me 'teacher', haha... Mixed feelings la...

Overall, though it was a tough experience from the beginning, I started to get used to it as it went by, u could just say it fitted into my system gradually... At first, I was always sleepy and tired as I could not deal with sleeping early and waking up early, that was the worst! But in the end, I got used to it and could sleep 5 hours and still feel awake at school, haha...

But now, I'm just glad it's all over... I can even say that my holiday has just resumed! Haha... Anyway, it's quite awkward to think that I was a former Methodist student teaching in Sacred Heart... most teachers asked me whether I was an ex-student of Sacred Heart... now that I've done that, my heart might be split between the two schools... However, it's clear that I'll always be a Methodist by heart!

Anyway, since that school holidays has started, this means church activities are coming thick and fast... Hope I can fully enjoy the last 3 months of my holiday! =D

Monday, November 7, 2011

If I could read minds...

If I could read minds, I would know what cards the others have in a card game, and know what moves I should make next.

If I could read minds, I would know what others truly think of me, whether they like me or hate me.

If I could read minds, I would know why someone doesn't like me or is unhappy with me and try to make it up to them.

If I could read minds, I would be a great CSI detective and identify the culprit as soon as I see the person. (too much CSI dy, zzz...)

If I could read minds, I would know what questions teachers are setting in exams and get excellent results in every exam. (that'll be super great!)

If I could read minds, I would know the real reason why someone is in a bad mood and be able to console him/her if needed.

If I could read minds, I would know exactly what to do and what to say to a person in a bad mood, because I would know what he/she hopes to hear.

If I could read minds, I would nail interviews because I would know exactly what interviewers want from me.

If I could read minds, I would know if a girl is into me or not. (that would be extremely handy >.<)

If I could read minds, I would know when to propose to my future gf because I would know whether she is ready for marriage or not. (thinking too far ahead, lol...)

If I could read minds, I would know various passwords of programs of other people. (thinking of being a top hacker, maybe? Haha!)

But most importantly, if I could read minds, the true faces behind hypocritical masks of every single person in this world would be revealed to me, alas, the ugly truth.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I'm desperate!

I guess many of u have watched this Taiwan drama before... I just finished watching it today... okay, I know maybe I'm a bit outdated, but this is the first time I watched a Taiwan drama, so I wasn't really motivated to watch it at first, and I had the drama in my laptop for more than a year, haha...

After watching it, I actually felt quite moody... Inside the drama, the love relationship between the main characters r so amazing, so magical, just like a fairy tale love story... everything seems so romantic, it's like they r destined to be together no matter what... so many things happen as a coincidence so that they can be together... their love story even stretches from childhood to adulthood...

I reli envy their love story... I envy ppl who have found their other half, ppl who have that special someone in their life, because I don't! Simply, I'm just so desperate for love now... >.<

I always ask myself questions, like, when will I finally get to hold someone's hand and walk life's path side by side? When will I finally get to hug someone when I feel so down and lonely? When will I finally get to talk abt anything and everything in my daily life to someone who will actually listen and care abt me? When can I finally listen to love songs and feel that they're meaningful?

So often, I reli wish that I could be the main actor in one of these love dramas or movies, and end up with someone special just like that... there's a saying '人生如戏,戏如人生', but I know this will not happen to me... I have 自知之明, I know no one would like me... not handsome, no great personality, not the smartest, no sexy physique... JUST a normal boy...

I'm only 19, and I'm already so desperate for love, for a girlfriend... I guess this post will look so pathetic to many ppl who read it... too bad this is exactly how I feel at the moment... desperation, please leave me! >.<