Thursday, October 13, 2011

Exam Period!!!

Ahhhh!! The exams are here!! Hahaha... okay okay, as u expected, the exam period is not for me, but for the secondary students... Well, other than one last class, all my other classes had started their final exam/2nd trial already this week... After so many years being one of the students sitting there taking exams, for the very first time in my life, I get to be the one standing there watching over others taking their exams... =.=

This is a first time experience for me... and to be honest, I gotta admit that I'm very lucky to only teach for roughly 3 weeks and start exams already, meaning I dun have to teach anymore from now on... U think easy money, eh? Not really, but at least it's better than teaching ppl who doesn't listen to u at all...

After a few days of exams, now I fully understand the feelings of a teacher watching over a class taking exam... maybe it's just me taking my job too seriously, or it really is like that for all teachers... watching over a class taking exam is BORING! U have almost nth to do other than walking around and making sure they dun try to cheat... Perhaps u'll say teachers can do their own work such as reading books or marking papers... well, the reason I say I'm taking my job too seriously is that, even if I'm reading my own storybook in the class, I'll feel totally paranoid... It's like an impulse, I'll look at the students for like every 2 minutes to make sure they dun cheat... >.<

Sigh, but at least this is better than teaching, right? Haha... Now I look forward to them taking my subject exams, then I'll have tonnes of papers to mark... =.=

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