Sunday, October 16, 2011

Real Steel

Watched this movie with frens last night, and it was awesome! The movie is set in the near future around the year 2020, when boxing no longer exists while robot boxing has become the top sport in the world... Talk about controlling a robot to fight for u in a boxing match, the idea itself is cool already, right? Haha... No holds bar, no limits, u can literally 'kill' ur opponent without holding back, no consequences... incredible!

Anyway, the plot is not bad as well... the guy up there, the main character, is portrayed by Hugh Jackman (ya, the Wolverine guy! XD), and he was a professional boxer in the past... and then when robot boxing replaced boxing, he got involved in that instead, though he sucks at it... and then his son came along, and they formed an underdog team to compete with the greatest in the world... the whole movie also includes the love between dad and son, plus the kid is damn cool too...

I definitely recommend this movie to u all... I actually got quite excited in the end, especially during the fights... just go watch it ya... =p

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