Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Do I look old?

For the past week, teachers and students in school asked me many questions... some common first questions that they normally ask are "You're the one replacing Victoria, right?", "What's your name?"... but more often than not, the question that they would ask is "So you finished studying already har?" 0.0

Wow! Finished studying?! Do I look like someone 23 or 24 years of age to u? Soooo many teachers have asked me the same thing, and everytime I have to explain that I'm just having holidays at the moment =.=

As for students, they will ask me the same question, then I will say no and ask them how old they think I am... They all said 23 or 24! For someone who is not even 20 yet, I felt so old after hearing their answers~ >.<

I dunno how it is for guys, but this is definitely not a good thing for girls, for ppl to consider u as being older than u actually are... For me as a guy, if I'm being absolutely optimistic, maybe older means ppl see me as more mature... hahaha... well, I'm not going to syok sendiri, I'll let others to decide themselves =X

So here I am with my frens... I'm the one at top left, wearing black with some orange pattern on it... so, how do I look? 19 or 24 to u??? Personally, I still prefer 19 to be honest, I'd rather stay young forever! Yeah~~

Anyway, by looking at the picture above, I'm starting to miss my buddies and all the gatherings with them already, though it was just 2 weeks ago when the last of them left Sibu to go off to their colleges/unis... Can't wait for Nov/Dec to come, when they'll be back again! =))))

Friday, September 23, 2011

First WEEK at school

Haha, this is a different post from the last one... This time I'm reli gonna share with u the bits n pieces of my life being a replacement teacher at Sacred Heart Secondary School... First of all, I know a lot of u must be so curious to know how I look like as a teacher... Well, just picture me wearing formal without a tie, that's Cikgu Yong for u! Nth special or funny reli... >.<

So, overall, I must say, I STILL dun like this life! =.= I have a lot of problems with my teaching life at the moment...

Firstly, students... Basically, I teach form 4 history and sivik, and form 5 sivik... I'm not gonna talk abt sivik, cuz it's a useless subject, haha... For form 4 history, I teach 4S1 (best science class), 4A1(best art class) and 4A3... Among the 3 classes, my favourite would be the middle one, 4A1... when I go into these 3 classes, the situations r all so different... 4S1, very quiet, but that brings a lot of pressure to me... sometimes, I'll just wonder if I'm reli good enuf to teach the best students, lol... 4A1, they're a bit more active in class and I do joke a bit with them, it's much more relaxing teaching them... the worst has to be 4A3... I always ask in my heart, 'why can't teachers scold students foul words?'... haha, u get the point >.<

Second, teachers... one thing abt teaching in a school ur not familiar with is it's so boring!!! I dunno any of the teachers here other than my cousin's wife who sits behind me... without her, I'll be like a total stranger in the staffroom... Although sometimes teachers do ask me some general questions, but most of time, I'm silent for the whole day in the staffroom when I have no class, sigh... Anyway, the teachers r ok themselves... =)

Third, sleep!! This is the biggest problem I have with teaching life... I always dun get enuf sleep at night! Imagine spending 3 months of holiday, waking up anytime u wan in the morning, and then suddenly, bammm!! U have to wake up every morning at 5.45am, it's completely zzzzz for me... =.= I tried to sleep early at night, earliest 11pm (miracle!), but still, if I'm in the staffroom, my eyes will close automatically... this life is just so tiring!

Well, I guess I'll get used to it sooner or later, haha...

P.S. Sry I've been posting a lot abt this topic for the last few posts, but that's the thing that defines my life right now! >.<

Saturday, September 17, 2011

First Day At School

Normally looking at the title above, u would think, first day at school, as a student of course! But not this time, first day at school for me was as a teacher! >.< Yup, I finally started teaching at Sacred Heart Secondary School on thurs... I got a surprise text message from my cousin's wife around 6pm wed night, telling me that the teacher I was gonna be replacing was in the hospital at that very moment... and 15 minutes later, another text message came saying 'You teach tmr'... and in a blink of an eye, the next day I'm in school with my formal wear on... ==

The first day was well, nth much actually... because I didn't teach anything at all... I was so unprepared that I decided I shud get myself clear on the situation first before I start teaching anything... and so unfortunately, I have 6 classes every thurs, which is the most in a day every week... so I just went into the classes, introduced myself, explained to the boys the situation and gave them their free time... Luckily I was still able to get the classes under control, though I expected worse...

One interesting thing is my age of course... teachers, students, they all wonder how old I am... one student in one of the classes actually asked me whether I just finished university... so I asked him, how old he thought I was, and guess what he said? 24! Oh my gosh, somehow I felt old and happy at the same time, haha! Happy cuz 24 means I look more mature than 19... XD Anyway, when I did break the actual age to him, he was like what?! Enough said.... LOL!

Anyway, I just hope everything goes well from here on... gotta spend more time on books and lesson planning from now on... sigh... how I wish this 2 months can be over in a blink! >.<

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Analysing movies

Analyse movies after watching that, do u guys do that? Lol... 

More than 3 months of my holiday gone by now, and I've watched countless movies already... I dunno why I do it, but after watching every movie, I'll surely google the movie and search for movie reviews at IMBD... It's not just reviews, I oso searched for goofs found in the movie, FAQs of the movie, and sometimes the movie tracks... 

Most ppl dun do these stuffs, after watching a movie, that's the end of it for them... but for me, I'm always curious to know abt how other ppl comment abt the movie, abt whether the things happening in the movie are real in our actual world, abt what other movies the main actors n actresses have been in before, abt does those ppl, things or organizations reli exist in history...

Last night, I watched a 2007 movie 'National Treasure: The Book of Secrets'... I watched the movie already in cinema in 2007, but I felt like I forgot what the movie was abt, so I watched it again... there were actually a lot of American history mentioned in the movie, most notably the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln... guess what I did after I finished the movie? I wasted almost 2 hours reading abt American history and the assassination of Lincoln through wikipedia... Hahaha...

Though American history has nth to do with me, I still felt it was worth my time reading it... now I know something that many ppl won't know unless they go check it out like me... xD

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Time Teaching Experience!

Yeah, I became a teacher during the last weekend, though unofficially, haha... My secondary teacher had to take leave from her tuition centre during the weekend, so she asked me to replace her, and I accepted lo... Teaching Form 3 Maths, Form 4 and 5 Chemistry at a tuition centre... one and half an hour for each daily, meaning 4 hours 30 minutes daily... how does it sound? Easy or hard? Haha...

Actually it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be... What I was supposed to do was just give them questions to practise on, and then give the answers while discussing, nth much right? Of course, most of the students were very curious abt my age, seeing such a young teacher teaching them... one iban girl even asked me my age directly, which I just gave away without much thinking... Anyway, luckily the students all generally behaved well in class, and I didn't have much trouble... Of course, in the end I'm still quite tired n thirsty... @.@

Although I'm glad it went well, I'm still expecting the worst when finally I become an official teacher at Sacred Heart... teaching sejarah is so different from teaching chemi n maths... first of all, language problem! My malay is no longer fluent after long time not using it, I reli dunno how I'm gonna fare in the first few days of classes T.T Next problem is the subject itself is so boring!

Everyone is asking me when do I start? I seriously dunno... it depends on the pregnant teacher to deliver... most of the time, these teachers will take like 2 weeks leave before their expected delivery date, but this teacher doesn't do it... so I can only wait, and expect a phone call anytime, and become a teacher the next morning >.<