Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Form 4 History..................

When SPM 2009 ended, I told myself that there were certain stuffs or rather subjects that I shall never ever touch in my life again, and this specifically referred to one sole subject, Sejarah! One of the most boring subject in Malaysian SPM syllabus, sejarah/history can be a useful tool for us all in knowing our country's history and how it came abt to its present state... but instead of being valuable, numerous topics of the subject r just simply useless and unnecessary... 

One of the examples r the islamic topics, of cuz! Malays studies islamic stuffs in one compulsory and isolated subject called 'Pendidikan Islam' already, so why in the heck r these topics included in History then? Stupid right? Forcing students of various religions to study and even worse, memorize islamic history, what's the point?! (Let me make myself clear, I have nth against the religion, just talking abt the sejarah syllabus, no offence! >.<)

Anyway, something that I thought I would never touch in my life ever again has came back to haunt me! =.= Around the mid of Sep, I shall be a relief teacher at Sacred Heart Secondary School (not my old school btw), and unfortunately, the teacher I'm replacing is a Form 4 History teacher... FML!

It just sucks that I have to touch history again, it's so boring and tiring... the teacher has asked me to prepare notes exercise for the last 3 topics in form 4, n this in particular is already driving me nuts! Everytime I open the form 4 history book, I'll start feeling sleepy in like 5 minutes... God knows how am I gonna survive through my 2 months of work! Sigh... Anyway, I shall start preparing myself with not only form 4 history, but oso with speaking in Malay... and that, I have not done for more than an entire year dy, sucks sucks SUCKS!!!

Just wish me luck! Thx a lot! =(

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