Sunday, August 28, 2011

Can feelings be developed?

As you can see from the title of this post, I'm asking a simple yet complicated question. Can feelings be developed between two person who has no feelings for each other at all when they first knew each other? Can trying to be close frens with that person develop feelings in the end? What do u think? Is it possible?

Somehow due to many past experiences, whether it's mine or others, I just have to disagree to the question, not completely but to a great extent... For example, I had a fren in MUFY who falls for a girl... what he did was he tried to be close frens with the girl, perhaps hoping that one day she'll develop feelings for him as well? Oh well, in the end, when the girl got the hint that he likes her, she quickly turned cold n ignored my fren, it was so obvious that she's saying no to him, forgetting they were close frens previously...

Next example, my own... in my previous posts (months ago), I talked abt a girl that I previously liked in MUFY... well, she's almost the same situation... I liked her, and tried to be close frens with her... but in the end, when I confessed, everything just fell through the roof... it doesn't matter how close u r with the person, as long as he/she has no feelings for u, the feelings won't just come out for u just because u r closer now... there has to be the sparks there... if not, whatever efforts r just useless... so can feelings be developed? I reli doubt it...

Friday, August 26, 2011

500 Days of Summer

Oh my! Oh my! This movie is great! Alright, one fren of mine had already blogged about this in his blog in the past, but I dun care, cuz I just wanna write abt it... Haha...

'500 Days of Summer', a movie I recommend everyone to watch! To be summarized, this movie is abt a girl who doesn't believe in true love, and a guy falling in love terribly and deeply with her... This movie on itself is reli nice, but for different ppl with different experiences in their lives, this movie might connect to them in very different levels... so u all might as well give it a try, cuz u won't regret watching it no matter what... =)

Why is the title of the movie like that? That u gotta find out urself by watching the movie till the very end, which will make complete sense... haha... anyway, for those who's wondering if this is based on a novel, no it isn't... it's a original plot, based on true experiences of the writer in his life...

Although the movie didn't reli connect with me that much, but I still love a lot of the quotes in the movie which completely agree with my way of thinking in life... haha... Do check it out soon! ;)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Form 4 History..................

When SPM 2009 ended, I told myself that there were certain stuffs or rather subjects that I shall never ever touch in my life again, and this specifically referred to one sole subject, Sejarah! One of the most boring subject in Malaysian SPM syllabus, sejarah/history can be a useful tool for us all in knowing our country's history and how it came abt to its present state... but instead of being valuable, numerous topics of the subject r just simply useless and unnecessary... 

One of the examples r the islamic topics, of cuz! Malays studies islamic stuffs in one compulsory and isolated subject called 'Pendidikan Islam' already, so why in the heck r these topics included in History then? Stupid right? Forcing students of various religions to study and even worse, memorize islamic history, what's the point?! (Let me make myself clear, I have nth against the religion, just talking abt the sejarah syllabus, no offence! >.<)

Anyway, something that I thought I would never touch in my life ever again has came back to haunt me! =.= Around the mid of Sep, I shall be a relief teacher at Sacred Heart Secondary School (not my old school btw), and unfortunately, the teacher I'm replacing is a Form 4 History teacher... FML!

It just sucks that I have to touch history again, it's so boring and tiring... the teacher has asked me to prepare notes exercise for the last 3 topics in form 4, n this in particular is already driving me nuts! Everytime I open the form 4 history book, I'll start feeling sleepy in like 5 minutes... God knows how am I gonna survive through my 2 months of work! Sigh... Anyway, I shall start preparing myself with not only form 4 history, but oso with speaking in Malay... and that, I have not done for more than an entire year dy, sucks sucks SUCKS!!!

Just wish me luck! Thx a lot! =(

Friday, August 12, 2011

IELTS result!

Yayyyy... Today finally my IELTS result arrived at my house through courier service... Seriously, I was quite nervous of the result... I opened the parcel as quickly as I could, as I was super eager for the result... When I took out my certificate, and there it is, a passing grade! 

The requirements were at least 6.5 for every section and at least 7.0 for average... Although I still had a bit to spare for my average score, my speaking was exactly 6.5! So lucky, I almost failed... zzz... 

Not that failing this IELTS will completely destroy my chances of entering Monash, but I'll have to dig into my own pocket to take the test again, that is a sure NO NO! >.<

So now that everything is done, my MUFY score, interview, ISAT and IELTS, I can finally hang in my final application for MBBS at Monash Sunway Campus... I'll just have to wait a few days for them to reply, which I hope to be an offer letter... 

All the best to my fellow coursemates who will be taking their ISAT and IELTS soon... Good luck! =p

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Different culture 0.0

Last week, I went to Kuching to take IELTS test, the very final requirement for my MBBS offer at Monash... the test was made up of 4 sections, and I did it separately on fri afternoon and sat morning... Although I was super nervous for speaking and writing, all in all I guess it went alright, just hope that I passed, haha... the only 'good' thing I encountered during the test was that I saw this cute and pretty girl from Penang... but that doesn't matter, lol...

Anyway, the main point of this post is something else... On fri night, I followed my cousin's wife, who's a Filipino, to her Filipino fren's house for dinner... all her frens gathered there for some sort of gathering, and their culture reli surprised me to the max! Seriously, Filipinos are super HIGH and NOISY when they get together! Normally u'll think the kids would be the naughtiest and noisiest... but this is not the case with them... the adults themselves, or specifically the adult women r the noisiest...

Whenever one of the friends arrived, they would weigh the person and take a picture of her... their weights will then be recorded in a book... do u know what they're actually doing? Apparently they're having a competition among themselves called 'The Biggest Loser'... for some of u who might have seen it in tv before, u'll know what's it's all abt... it's basically a competition to see who loses the most weight in the end of a period from the start of competition...

Other than that, the way they chatted among themselves, u'll seriously wonder if they're drunk... haha, super noisy and loud... they oso had a photo taking session with all the fake princess crowns and stuffs, reli like little girls wor... haha...

I just guess their culture is so different from us chinese... when chinese ppl grow up, we tend to feel that we shud take care of our reputation properly... most chinese would think these filipinos r a bit uncivilised... but honestly, if u think of it from another angle, they're just being honest with themselves and express themselves sincerely... that is sth chinese adults can only see n wish that they can do it but they can't, because that's just so different from our chinese culture...