Tuesday, March 15, 2011

hectic life!! =(

ok, now to update u all on my current life after all that crap abt love, arrogance and change below... LOL... anyway, life is damn busy now... I had a free first weekend of this month, when I went to Cheras and visited my fren, Lawrence Kiing... U must be wondering why I didn't blog abt it? Oh well, due to some technical problems and out-of-sort planning, I guess next time would be better to blog abt it... Haha! So after that rare weekend, the whole freeness is gone again... everything is piling up once again and I'm expecting a miserable 2 weeks ahead... 

Just had a chemi assessment yesterday (Monday), which I spent the whole last weekend studying it... What's more agonizing is knowing that everyone back at home is having holidays right now! My big bro flew home from KK and my little bro started his one week school holidays... feels so pathetic that everyone is enjoying the weekend, while I'm stucked in CaSuck with my chemi books! Arrggghhh.... >.<

So, what's ahead? This week there's mock essay writing in class, but other than that, nothing else much though... the real spice is actually all on next week... Maths assessment, bio assessment and english theme study presentation assessment... all from Tues to Thurs next week!! This weekend is going to be another nerdy week once again... sigh~~~ So, yeah, that's roughly how my life is at the moment...

P.S. I'd like to point out that we should all pray for Japan in this catastrophic period. The death toll is on the rise and nuclear explosions have already occurred, leaving unknown consequences. God bless Japan! =)

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