Sunday, March 20, 2011

All About Me!! =)

Sometime last week, I came across this awesome blog of a friend of mine, currently in the same course as me in Sunway... I love the stuffs that she posted, quite interesting and two of her posts actually made me laugh on the spot, haha! Too bad the last time she blogged was back in December 2010, I guess she stopped blogging dy... Anyway, in one of her posts, she actually introduced herself in 30 random thoughts, wow! So it strikes me that I never reli introduced myself to all of u, readers of my blog, right? Haha... I'm going to adapt her style, hope she won't mind! So here it goes... =)

1. My name is Albert Yong Bee Sing. My Christian name starts with an 'A', which is the same for all my siblings.  But if u ask me why my parents chose 'Albert', honestly I have no idea... one thing's for certain though, I'm very proud of it, as it's not too common... hehe... Most of my frens call me 'Albert'... I dun have any nicknames at the moment, but a lot in the past, such as apek, bising (Bee Sing), 绵羊... Haha, luckily no one calls me those names anymore xP

2. I dun reli have any favourite colour in my life... but if u carefully observe, most of my shirts colours are normally black or white... it's not that I like them more, I guess it just suits me better, haha... but colours that I will never wear? Yellow, pink... Not for me, surely...

3. I wore specs since I was 6 years old! At such a young age, right? My mum said I stucked my eyes at the TV screen when I was small, but then again, why they never stopped me huh? Who knows, haha... maybe it's a gene too, both my dad and big brother wear specs... :)

4. I'm the middle child with two brothers and no sisters... My mum used to and still continue to stress on the fact that it's so tiring that she's the only female in the family... I wish I could help her more, but I'm still a boy, right? XD

5. Any phobia of mine? One, and please dun laugh... I'm scared of bugs, big bugs... I know I know, boys shouldn't be afraid of this stuff, it's a phobia, I can't help it...

6. I dun reli play any music instrument... learned flute once when I was 9 years old in the Boys Brigade band... stopped after a year... I'm actually very interested in learning guitar, but never reli got the chance to learn, oh well, my music dream continues...

7. I dun sleep a lot... one day 5 to 6 hours is enuf for me already... got used to it in National Service where u only sleep 6 hours maximum every night... and even if I can sleep as long as I want during weekends, I'll still only sleep for 8 hours...

8. I had two girlfriends before, one during form 4 and one last year... both didn't end up quite nicely... so, yeah, I might be a bad lover, haha...

9. My dream girl... Long hair (preferably straight, not curly), no specs, slim, height average, smart, knows how to cook, traditional, caring and loving, understanding, christian (preferably again), patient, respect towards elders, cheerful, pretty... ;)

10. I dun reli read a lot of books... did have an interest towards books when I was in primary school and after SPM when I was too free... loves detective stories and novels... now no more time for them, too bad... =(

11. I love to eat, especially delicious foods... One thing I love abt my hometown is that there's so much local delicacies which u dun find anywhere else... anyway, planning to go food hunting during my semester break in april... can't wait.. XD

12. I have lots of hobbies, such as listening to music, social networking... one of them has to be playing futsal... started playing futsal back in secondary schools, never reli good at it, but I still love it!

13. Oh ya, I love watching football oso... I'm a die hard Manchester United fan, ppl who knows me surely knows that... I try to watch every match my team plays, although I'm studying away from home... Started watching football when I was 8 years old, and the first match I watched was MU vs Liverpool, MU won 2-1! If Liverpool had won the match then, maybe I'll be a Liverpool fan now, haha...

14. I'm a JPA scholar, currently studying a course called MUFY (Monash University Foundation Year) in Sunway University, and going to pursue medicine course in Monash Malaysia... actually I never reli wanted to study medicine... I applied for dentistry at first, got rejected by JPA, and got this after reappeal...

15. I listen to all kinds of music, chinese and english... rock, pop, hip hop, R&B, even classical, u name it... however, english songs r my preference most of the time la... I update myself with the newest english songs through US Billboard... xP

16. I injured my ankles (both sides got) 3 times in my life... twice during futsal, once when my naughty fren pushed me down 10-15 levels of stairs... that was after UPSR and I had to go for physiotherapy (is that the name? dun quite remember) to heal my ankle... so injuries r no new matter to me anymore...

17. I'm not reli a gamer... only currently playing Fifa and Dota (very seldom) on my computer... the first ever game I played was Gunbound, quite nice to play last time, now not anymore... played Maple Story, CS and some other games before oso...

18. I used to sing ok... performed singing during form 2 and 3 with 'You Raise Me Up' and 'Beautiful Girls'... even got 2nd runner-up for a competition between form 3 students that time with 'Beautiful Girls' by Sean Kingston... too bad I dun sing anymore nowadays, my voice sucks now!

19. Sacrificed my voice in form 4 when I started becoming commander for Red Crescent's marching squad... my voice wasn't loud enuf at first, so in order in increase my voice, I shouted a lot and seriously, A LOT until I lost my singing voice forever in order to get a big voice for commanding... did won the Best Commander Award in a competition once, but I regret losing my voice in the first place for something so meaningless, sigh...

20. I am a Catholic since birth, and will always be forever... :)

21. My marriage in future must be held in my church, a Catholic church...

22. My future plans, marries around 26 to 28 years old... get 3 children, hopefully 2 boys 1 girl or vice versa...

23. I dun reli like to study... always studied last minute during secondary school, but forced to change nowadays due to mixing around with all the JPA nerds in my programme... no longer study last minute but surely not 2 weeks earlier... ^^

24. My chinese dialect is Foochow (福州话)... I'm a true foochow who speaks foochow at home with my family and most of my relatives... ppl here in college dun understand foochow at all, which is the best part of all... haha...

25. People thinks I'm an arrogant person who shows off too much, lol... I'm trying to change myself, although it's hard but I'm sure I'll achieve it one day! =)

26. I hope I can be 180cm tall, but too bad I can't get any taller anymore, stucked at 178cm... haha...

27. I love pets actually, both cats and dogs... too bad my parents didn't let me have any pet since young...

28. People's first impression of me... cold, not sociable/friendly, quiet, probably arrogant... might be caused by my lack of smiles... I can be a friendly person if u let me be ur fren... :-)

29. My dreams in life... travel to different places all around the world... get a lovely girlfriend/wife... become rich and let my parents enjoy their life... find a soulmate who would be my best fren in my whole life... just be happy!

30. I am God's blessed child! He looks after me at all times and I place my everything in His hands... =)

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