Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Be yourself or don't be yourself?

I am someone who think a lot, sometimes I think too much... erm, actually not sometimes, is most of the time... Recently, I keep thinking abt what kind of a person I am and why many ppl dun like me... I mean like, I've known what kind of person I am for very long already, now I'm just trying to figure out what characteristics that ppl dun like abt me... 

After long periods of thinking, I concluded that the most significant one would be arrogance... ppl think I'm arrogant for some reason... and I'm not just talking abt ppl I know... even ppl I dunno oso criticize me as arrogant... one of my frens just told me last week that this indian girl whom I've never heard of before, dun like me because I'm too arrogant! 

Then of cuz I ask myself, why ppl think like that? Am I reli that arrogant? In my opinion, I dun reli consider myself as arrogant... u might say I'm ignorant, but that's ur own opinion... The way I see it, I am an outspoken person, I give opinions without doubts, I know what I'm doing and saying... But the situation now is, ppl see my confidence as a form of arrogance...

But ultimately, arrogance or confidence, ppl just dun like it... that's the main reason why I dun have many close frens... I'm always alone... If I ask ppl for advice, most ppl will say the same thing... "Dun think too much, just be urself." The problem now is, 'myself' is something ppl dun like, so shud I change? Shud I change my personality and become someone that is not me? What's ur opinion, guys? Be yourself or don't be yourself? Hmmm...


  1. Shalom albert! it doesn't matter if people don't like you for who you are, because they are certainly not worth for you to entertain. as long as you keep true to yourself, that is a strength of character. God bless!!

  2. thanks, suz! My mind is clear now and I know exactly what I need to do... ^^
