Thursday, August 28, 2014

Stop showing off!

Sometimes it's really annoying when some people think that just because they have girlfriends or really close female friends and I am single, that gives them the right to show off about it. There's a lot of reasons why some people are still single, maybe they just haven't met the right person, or maybe they have some personality imperfection, or maybe they just don't want to start a new relationship. No matter what the reason is, it doesn't give anyone who is not single the right to show off their status, assholes!!

For example, I have this housemate who broke up with his girlfriend a few months ago. When he was sad and emo and all that, he became very very close to another girl, so naturally people will start to tease them about it, and that includes me. So one time when I teased him about it, he went like "I know you're jealous la Albert, I know I can attract girls very easily, HAHAHA!" I was like what the heck, here I was still a bit concerned of him still being depressed of his breakup with his ex, he came around and bragged about his 'attractiveness to girls' to me, the heck -.-

At that moment, I really wanted to tell him that he must be really glad to have broken up with his ex because he wants to attract more girls, but I didn't. I already said this before, from now on I'm going to use this blog to express my emotions so that maybe I'll feel better afterwards. Reading all my three recent posts makes me feel like I'm a whiner, but hey, so so few people visit my blog these days, maybe less than 3, so yeah, whatever la.

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