Friday, August 22, 2014

My roommate

I've been roommates with my current roommate for more than 1.5 years now, and we've known each other for more than 2 years, so much has changed. We used to be quite close, I think. We were able to talk a lot, I would tell him what's on my mind, he would tell me random interesting stuffs, we could even joke a lot with each other. That's all changed now.

I'm not sure what happened really, maybe it's because of me, but I really don't know. Nowadays he just minds his own business, and he can go the whole day without talking to me even once. The things that I say most often to him these days are 'Hey, I sleep first', 'What time are you going to class? I follow you, okay?' That's about it, I guess. He won't ever tell me random things and really talk to me anymore. He always has random interesting dreams when he sleeps at night, and he used to share those with me, but not anymore these days. We don't joke with each other anymore, though he consistently does it with my other housemates. I tried a few times to talk to him, tell him stuffs, but he'll either ignore me or just says okay.

I don't think he realizes the change like I do, I don't think he cares, unlike me, who is really sensitive as I mentioned before. I'm not really sure what happened, maybe I did something wrong? Or maybe he developed a bad impression of me, like what I mentioned in the last post? I don't know what I should do about it, but what I do know is that I still need to stay roommates with him for the next 1.5 years, so no matter what, I still have to make do with it. Life goes on...

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