Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The day that I dreaded the most

After so long, you finally have a crush on someone. Ever since I gave up around 3 years ago, you have always been single and perhaps available. Because of this, deep down in my heart, I've always thought that maybe I still have that little bit of hope of winning your heart one day. Even though in this 3 years, I dated someone else or liked some other girls, you have always been in my mind, I've never forgotten the girl I regard as 'perfect' in my life. Now that you have finally found someone special, I wish you can be happy, and I'll be happy for you too if this works out. Perhaps I can be the 黄晓明 in your life, and you can be the 赵薇 in my life too. No matter what, I'll always care about you, look at you from afar, and pray for you. Just take care, okay? :')

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