Saturday, May 19, 2012

it's all about EXAMS!!

Ya, it's all about exams recently... I had a mid sem exam in early April, and the result only came out on Monday, 6 freaking weeks after the actual exam!! Talk abt losing ur patience waiting =.=... I think most of us even forgot abt it already... But anyway, my result was okay, I'm quite satisfied with it, I think... Thank God I didn't screw up my very 1st medicine exam, LOL!

So after the result came out, what next? Exactly, more exams!! Gonna be having my semester exam in 3 weeks time, and I can tell u that if I'm asked to take the exam right now, I'm gonna FAIL for sure... to be honest, I haven't been studying at all, have been procrastinating since I came back from my mid semester holiday... I better dun screw up this one, gotta buck up to study very hard for the next 3 weeks, starting from tomorrow!

Anyway, when the results came out on Monday, I heard a lot of ppl saying that bad results motivate them to study harder... I think personally, that doesn't work on me, cuz I'll be regretting why I didn't do better and not think of the future... Call me lan si or whatever, but honestly, what spurs me on to study harder is the moments when I get good results, and ppl would be like 'Wow!', 'Congratz, Albert', or anything like that... This is quite an embarrassing part of me, and I'm revealing it here, omg... >.<

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