Sunday, May 13, 2012

Best friends forever!

Look! It's the Fantastic 4! Haha... That was how we called ourselves back then during high school... Those 3 above, Kuen Luen, Eric and Sing Kiet, are my besties in my life, and will continue to be for the rest of my life... XD

Today was a rare occasion as finally we got the opportunity to have a gathering with each other... it's been quite hard to do that since high school, as all 4 of us went to different colleges/unis and our holidays are almost always different... Though Kuen Luen came late and we only got to meet for like one hour, that one hour is really worth it... These ppl have been my precious support throughout my life, and they are a big part of the reason why I am who I am today... Thank God for giving me such good friends! ^^

Although from here onward, we'll all be heading for our different paths respectively, I believe that one day, those 4 paths will join into one once again, no matter how long that is... I have to say, my decision to screw my Saturday for doing assignment is made worthwhile simply by seeing u all! =)

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