Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Choices, what does this word mean to u? Do u like to have choices in your life? I guess everyone loves to have choices in life, right? Diverse choices of food to eat, choices of friends to be with, choices of places to go on vacation... Everyday in our lives, we make choices in so many situations... The question is, are choices really that good?

Personally, sometimes I find choices quite distressing in life... Choices put us in a dilemma, they cause us to waste a lot of our time to consider what should be done, and when we finally decided on something, deep down we know that we sacrificed something on the other side... Of course this applies only to certain situations, situations where it would be so convenient that we're left with no choices and just pick the only one that is left... this don't just save us our precious time, it also saves us from plenty of stress and worries that we would give ourselves...

Recently, I had a tutorial in my course, and I was asked the question how did I cope to studying medicine when it's actually my last choice initially? For some of u who doesn't know, medicine was never my preference in the first place, and I only took it after JPA diverted my application from dentistry to medicine... After much reflection on the topic, I had to say, there was nothing for me cope with, as I did not sacrifice anything... Simply put, I did not have a choice at all! 

When I received the offer from JPA, the only thing I was thinking at that moment and still do, is that I must save money for my parents and lessen their burden as much as I can... I come from a financially restrained family, and naturally I did not think too much about whether it was my interest to study medicine... Although I would have loved things to go my way, that I could have chosen the course that I wanted, but actually, medicine is not that bad a course also, right?

However the future holds, I can only accept it with my all, as I'm constantly reminded that this might be God's calling to me to study medicine and be a good doctor in future... As for choices, I have to say, sometimes it's just better not to have choices, it takes away so much of our worries and troubles... Of course we cannot do away with choices in life, I can't imagine a life without choices, haha!

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