Sunday, April 29, 2012

Go bald for cancer!!

Look at my BALD head!! Oh my, can't believe I did it in the end... If ur wondering if I've just gone through a heartbreak or broke down due to sth, it's not it! I only did it as the title of the post suggested, for cancer! On Friday, my school of medicine held an annual charity at Monash University, and the theme for this year is 'Toon Out Cancer', the theme picture being the one I'm holding above... A lot of events were held, but none more interesting than the main event, 'Hair For Hope', haha...

For this event, basically we just encourage ppl to show their support for cancer patients by going bald... When I first heard of it a month ago, I couldn't care less as I wasn't prepared to lose my hair AGAIN... For those of u who don't know, this is the 2nd time in my life that I'm getting bald, the 1st being in National Service... Well, it all changed on the day before the charity... I left my fb on on a computer, and my friends fraped me into posting a status of going bald if I got 50 likes, and I got much more than that... =.=

Then, I started considering real hard that night and on the whole day of charity... It just came to my realization that maybe God has arranged for me to be fraped so that I would get an opportunity to go bald and do sth meaningful for cancer... And, to be frank, I reli dun have much to lose... though I still dun have a gf now, I thought that having bad haircut for 3 months wouldn't make such a big difference too... my own personal self-esteem is nothing compared to the sufferings of cancer patients worldwide... In the end, I decided to do it, and I got the haircut or shave by 4pm...

The reactions to my antics were quite surprising to me actually, seeing that I've been bald before in the past... I posted the photo above to fb, and I've got 150 likes so far... everyone was like saying I'm so brave to do it... to be honest, I didn't think I was so brave... there were braver ppl than me, most notably GIRLS who went bald... I heard one of them even cried while having her head shaved, seriously impressed and astonished by their guts...

Anyway, I guess the event was a success, though there were only 3 year ones who went for the cut... All in all, I think guys shouldn't hesitate so much abt giving up their hair... What's there for us to lose when we can get our hair back like in 3 months? For other cancer patients, they can never grow hair on their heads, which we should respect and show empathy to them... I'm glad I did it, as this is the very first genuine good thing I did as a medical student, a good start to the journey of being a good doctor in future! =D

Friday, April 20, 2012

Back to this uni life!

Ah, here I am again in Bandar Sunway to continue my life as a medicine student... I guess I shud have written this post like on Monday or Tuesday, but I was just busy or maybe lacking in motivation to blog, haha... Anyway, after a one week holiday last week, I'm back here again, and this time it's for around 10 weeks, longer period compared to the last! @@

Well, it's not that I hate my uni life, it's actually the opposite, I do love my uni life a lot! As compared to my previous college life, my uni life is so much more enjoyable due to many reasons... one of the main reasons has to be that I have a gang of friends who I can reli mix with in my course... no offence to my college friends, but I always had the problem of reli mixing with them, it's like I'm not reli in tune with all their crazy and funny jokes and stunts... Anyway, my current group of friends in medicine is making my uni life so much more meaningful and enjoyable, haha...

Another reason is I guess I dun put too much pressure on myself to compete with other ppl anymore... In foundation, I used to have the mentality in wanting to beat everyone and be top, ya u can call me 'kiasu', I admit I seriously did have that problem... but now in uni, I no longer care that much anymore, I just urge myself to study hard and not think too much abt what other ppl is doing... Maybe I've changed, who knows? =D

However much I enjoy my uni life, we all will miss our hometown in the end no matter what... The food, the hometown friends, family, comfy home... NOTHING can compare to them T.T

Thursday, April 12, 2012

On Call 36 小时, a must watch!

I've just finished this Hong Kong drama in 4 days (actually shud be 3 days, since I didn't watch it at all yesterday)... I must say, this is one of the best, if not the best, Hong Kong drama I have ever watched in my life! It's 25 episodes long, and it's worth every episode of it, serious!

As u can see from the poster above, this drama is all about doctors... it shows the life of a doctor, the difficulties, the rules, the interactions with patients' relatives, the teamwork between colleagues, and so so much more... What makes this drama so nice is that it's so meaningful... it teaches us a lot of life's challenges and how we shud be thankful for our healthy lives while others can only dream to have what we have...

One of the quotes that I like the most in this movie is 健康的人不一定是开心的,伤病的人不一定是不开心的 (healthy people might not always be happy, while sick people might not always be sad too, they can be happy as well)... this teaches me that everyone can live a happy life regardless of our health status, it's our choices that matters...

Maybe it's because I'm gonna be a doctor in future that makes me so connected to this drama, but of the people that introduced this drama to me, they r not medicine students, and yet they enjoyed it a lot... So, dun hesitate anymore, this is a must watch drama for everyone, u won't regret it... It's meaningful, funny at times, and incredibly touching too... I almost cried a few times while watching it, gosh!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Back in my Home Sweet Home!

Ah, the feeling of being home is just so nice... the smell, the food, the people, the language, the sight, the traffic (=.=!) and everything else, I would never replace them with anything... Sibu will always hold an unique and irreplaceable place in my heart, since this is where my Home Sweet Home lies after all... ^^

I've been back for 2 days now, and even now, I feel like time flies too swiftly, 2 days gone just like that! I must enjoy the next 7 days of my life to the max, as it's gonna be another two grueling months of intense studying ahead once again... Honestly, I don't even wanna mention it right now T.T

Anyway, I don't have any plans at all for this one week break... just wanna get as much rest as I can, and the rest of the time can be used to watch movies and dramas, and definitely eat as much nice or home cooked food as I can, hahaha... one thing I'm planning to do is to go to gym for a try, haha... But at the moment, I'm still too lazy to do that yet, hope I can motivate myself soon to do it... XD

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Forevermore - David Archuleta

Somehow I just had to share this music video on my blog, haha... This is really a nice love song, soothing, romantic... just the kind of music for me and for the most of u... ^^

Monday, April 2, 2012

Temporary freedom!!!

Hey everyone, I'm so sorry it took me quite a while to update my blog, but I do have my reasons, haha... FYI, I just finished my mid-sem exam today, it was just a 3 hour paper for the whole mid-sem assessment, which I worked my socks off in the last 2 weeks @@

The reason why there's only one paper is because my medicine course is different from other uni's medicine course, in which our theory is to learn all the subjects at one go, little by little as the semesters go by... so when we have exams, they'll stuff everything into one paper... 

For the last 2 weeks, I'd totally turned into a nerd, couldn't believe that I'll do stuffs like that for just a mid-sem exam, oh my gosh! =.= I've slept for 4 hours daily, and what's even more epic is that for the last 2 weekends, I actually walked to uni just to study from morning 8am till night 9pm, imba!!

I'm just relieved it's finally over now, and I'm already in my holiday mood, as I'm getting a one week break next week, gonna go back to SIBU!!! Hahahaha.... I can't wait! ^^

Anyway, above is my group mates for this semester 1... Love them! =D