Thursday, December 29, 2011

Trip to Belawai Beach

This morning, I set out with my three frens to Belawai in search of a beach... Originally, this trip was planned for 8 persons... the drinks and junk food have already been bought and everything was in place... but due to sudden technical problems, we were left with only one car and the 4 girls were forced to quit the trip at the last minute... We started our journey around 7.30am and got back to Sibu by 1.30pm, so it was just a half day trip... we didn't do much on our trip, just taking pictures by the beach and taking this opportunity to have an outing with frens XD

Prawn, the logo of Belawai!

View from outside the beach...

Look at the weather when we got there >.< Not even one person there...

Notice the way the waves form? So nice~~

Forever Alone!

Finally, other ppl came....
The weather became better in the end too =D

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Visitation to a Goat & Livestock farm

Today I followed the youths of our church for a visitation to TYC Goat & Livestock Sdn. Bhd., which is a farm... We started our journey around 7.45am and reached there around 9am... What we did there was basically looking at animals and organic vegetables... I even bought 300ml goat milk for RM8, incredible! >.< It tasted refreshing, not too sure if it's better than cow milk though, haha... After around 2 hours, we went back home...

TYC Goat & Livestock Sdn. Bhd.

Cows!! Mooooo....

The nice landscape view of the plants and veges...

The corn planted there for consumption for goats, not humans, LOL!


Cow-like goat, according to one of my frens =.=

More goats!! xD

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011!!

Here, I would like to wish all of u a happy, blessed and merry Christmas! xD

The busiest month of a calendar year for me every year has to be December, when church activities are non-stop and the Christmas season is around the corner... I have to say, other than Chinese New Year, Christmas is my number 2 favorite season in a year... I love all the Christmas songs, gatherings with family and frens, and most importantly, this is the celebration for the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ...

This year, my schedule had been as busy as ever, with many activities which I took part... It all starts from last Saturday night when we had a combined Christmas caroling or more commonly known as the annual Christmas procession in Sibu... Just like for the past two years, this year I joined the Youth of our church in procession... However, the procession this year is a bit more interesting, because it rained so heavily even before we started walking! I was completely wet because I had to help in moving our Cross and Icon from church to the Sibu Town Square, and in the process, I got wet completely... This is what u call proclaiming the Good News of Jesus in rain! Haha... Thankfully, the rain stopped right when we started walking and everything else went well... ^^

Christmas Procession 2011

Then, the next day, I had Christmas caroling with my church frens at night, where we go to houses to proclaim the birth of Jesus to them... we did this every year, and this year was the longest, as in we ended the whole activity around 12.30am! This year, we got a bus to fetch us from house to house, and as we walked into the houses, we would sing Christmas songs so that houses nearby could hear our voices... it was quite an experience, and everyone had a great time...

On Monday, the youths of my church had to perform a dance for the song 'Joy to the World' at night... it was the opening performance for a public Christmas caroling organized by YMCA... To prepare for it, all of us went to church around 2pm to practise the dance over and over again, and performed the whole thing at night... Tonight would be Christmas Eve Mass in church, and at 12am later, it would be Christmas!! xD

We should all remember that Christmas is not mainly about Santa Claus or presents or mistletoe or anything like that... The most important thing about Christmas is the birth of Jesus Christ! Let us all rejoice that a child is born tonight, and he is our Lord Jesus Christ... Have a blessed Christmas, everyone! =)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Youth Congress 2011 Part 2

Hey guys, sorry for the delay of the pictures of the camp... Due to some 'technical problems', I had to wait for the pictures to be uploaded on Facebook before I can post it here... Another problem is, pictures for Day 6 and Day 7 of the camp couldn't be uploaded because the memory card containing them has been taken to China by another person =.= Anyway, hope you guys enjoy these few pictures I have handpicked here... =)

The banner for our Youth Congress 2011, and this camp was held at Sibu Pastoral Centre
One of the ice breaking games, where trust is essential in maintaning this position!
Station games aka Gladiators!! I missed these games cuz of the next picture >.<
Maranatha Night, where we pray by singing ONLY! I wasted a whole afternoon to arrange this! Nice, right? Haha!
Interesting game of snakes and ladders, where demons, sins and bibles are drawn onto the board game =D
The participants even helped out in gotong-royong, which I didn't take part on purpose, huhu! XD
Rosary prayer done by procession to the statue of Mother Mary. Everyone was given a cup candle to hold.
Father Paul Cheong taught us to meditate, and seriously I failed! LOL!
Adoration of the Cross and Icon, where we ask for our intentions and adore the cross which Jesus Christ died on.
Washing of feet, where we can wash anyone's feet and ask for forgiveness or
even say things deep down in our hearts, very very touching event T.T
After washing, we can hug each other as a sign of forgiveness... @@
Station of the Cross. We set up 14 stations all around Pastoral Centre and
walked to each station one by one while carrying the big cross and icon.
Procession of the King. We had a procession with Father Paul Ling holding the Eucharist
and covered by the cloth above

There's actually other main events where the pictures have not been uploaded yet or maybe there wasn't any good shots on them... For example, Vanity Playground (like a fun fair), Infilling of Holy Spirit (I shall not go too deep into this, haha! Ask me personally if ur curious abt it =P), visitation to old folks home and I Am A Star (talent night)... 

Like I mentioned before, this camp had been an incredible experience for me, though this is the 3rd time I joined it... All in all, I loved the camp and I love God more than I've ever been in my whole life... Praise the Lord! Alleluia! ^^

Monday, December 12, 2011

Youth Congress 2011

Yeah! Finally I'm back from this one-week church camp! First of all, the photos taken is not ready yet, meaning I can't upload any pictures just yet, so maybe I'll upload some in my next post... For now, let's just listen to me blah a long post for u, which I always do, haha...

This year, the camp is based on the World Youth Day 2011 theme... some of you might not know anything abt it... actually it's a worldwide gathering of youths which is held every 2 or 3 years, and this year it was held in Madrid around August... so what our priest did was using the WYD 2011 as our theme for the camp... the idea was used in 2008 too, but this year, the downside is that the WYD theme song is not that nice, haha... Compare the two songs below and u'll know =)

Overall, this has to be the most tiring camp I've been to in my life, because of the position I held, which was the committee for Spiritual group... I have to be in charge of so many stuffs... I've been in committee before for red crescent and still managed to get the fun out of them, but this time the situation is so much different... The problem is that I got into the committee later than the others, and I didn't know what to do until 5 days before the camp, which is a complete disaster =.=

I guess all the participants and committee can see I'm one of the busiest person in the camp... u'll see me running in and out all the time, and wherever I go, I always have two things with me, which is my hp and a pendrive containing all my stuffs... every night when all the participants go to bed, we committee have to run a meeting, and after that, some of us will go to kitchen there to chat and eat snacks or noodle cups... While the others are enjoying themselves, I'm forced to bring a laptop n my pendrive along cuz I have to check my slides for the next day... that was how busy I was ><

Through this camp, I have to say, I'd rather be a participant rather than a committee member... one reason is that participants get to be more relaxed without having to be in charge of anything and getting much more sleep... but more importantly, participants can focus much more and benefit more on the spiritual side, which is the main reason I joined this camp in the first place... anyway, this has been a precious experience for me as a committee... as busy as I was, I still enjoyed myself a lot and made new frens... I'll definitely join again next time, no matter as committee or participant... =)

P.S. Stay tuned for the next post, I'll post pics of the camp to let u know more abt it... xD

Monday, December 5, 2011

Teaching little kids!!

Okay, I've not blogged for more than a week now, and there are reasons to that... I have been so busy that I always get lazy to blog anything at all... FYI, I'll be going to an one week camp on Monday, which means today, though I'm writing this during past midnight... which means I won't be blogging again for another week... surely I'm not gonna leave my blog to rot for 2 weeks, haha, so I had to force myself to write something here though I'm extremely tired now...

Well, as mentioned in the last post, I had been teaching little kids about Christian knowledge... I have been helping out in this every year since I was in Form 2, except Form 5 when it crashed with my SPM... Teenagers around my age normally just help out other older teachers in class, but for the last two years, I have already been 'promoted' to be a main teacher, which means I'm the one who teach and I have younger teachers following me into class, haha...

This year, the biggest difference is that the committee decided to open 2 classes for kindergarten children, which means TROUBLE to us teachers... these kids are the cutest, yet the NAUGHTIEST as ever... it's so hard to control them because they are so pure in thoughts and just do anything they like... I had quite a tough time teaching them as I was one of the teachers in a kindy class... as tough as it was, it was quite an experience ><

In a blink of an eye, two weeks are gone just like that... but I'm quite satisfied with my experience this year, as I got to spend time with church friends as well as getting to know many other new friends, hahaha... Actually the reason I've been so busy lately is not just because I was teaching from morning to afternoon, but mainly because I'm one of the committee members for my upcoming camp... I have been running in and out for the past few days just to get my jobs done... Let's pray that everything will go well in this camp... See you all in one week ^^