Sunday, July 29, 2012

First week of the new sem

The first week of the new semester is over now. Actually there are many things that had happened in the past week that I don't know where to start with. Well, first of all, I got my results of the first semester exam back on Monday. Honestly, I'm quite disappointed in my results personally. My marks dropped by almost 10 marks from the last exam, sigh. The only consolation was that I still managed to luckily get into the 'High' category. Guess I'll need work much harder for the next exam.

However, I have to say, I study in an environment where if your results are better than some people, you cannot complain or express your disappointment in front of them, they'll think that you're trying to show off. Seriously, guys? I'm seriously saddened by my results dropping, is it so wrong to be disappointed about it? I'm trying to be true to my feelings, but I guess people just prefer me to be hypocritical. =.=

Alright, back to the 2nd semester of year 1, the curriculum seems to be tougher and busier than the last semester, though ironically the timetable looks emptier. I guess that's what human anatomy does to you, all the bones, muscles, vessels, nerves and blah blah blah. However, I'm still affected by my holiday mood and am still so lazy that I can't be bothered to study anything at all yet. In contrast, most of my course mates have already found their rhythm even before the new semester started. Medical students are so scary, huh?

Anyway, to wrap up the first week, our batch had a 'Captain Ball' competition among the groups on Friday after classes. I shall not explain the game here, don't see a point to it, haha. The game required teamwork, so it was perfect for us to bond with our new group mates in the new semester. Though I didn't contribute much, I had lots of fun and my group got 1st runner up, haha.

Hoping that I'll get my rhythm back soon enough. ^_^

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