Monday, July 16, 2012

Acceptance instead of emoness

I have come to a point in my life where, instead of always being emo about my status and lack of attraction to the opposite gender, I have succumbed to the acceptance of them. I used to be always emo about being unable to get the girl that I'm attracted to, and feeling so down when I see all the couples around me, whether I know them or not. Well, those days are over, temporarily at least. Now, I've just come to accept the fact that I'm just not that attractive to girls, both physically and mentally.

Personally, when I go around shopping in some mega malls or night markets, my eyes are always wandering around looking at random pretty girls walking pass me all the time. Not that I'm a maniac, no, it's just human's natural reactions to beautiful objects, which in this case, beautiful people. But after a while, I realized that no one's doing the same to me in return. The fact is I'm just not a beautiful guy where females' eyes would follow. Based on personal extractions of others honest opinions in the past, the general view is that my physical impression is categorized as nerdy, too serious and most of all, typical. The sad truth indeed.

I can indeed say I would occasionally turn emo because of everything I just mentioned, but those occasions are becoming less and less. The reason is as stated by the title above, acceptance. Acceptance that beautiful girls are just not meant to end up with me. Acceptance that I would be the near last guy to be noticed by girls in a room full of males and females. And eventually, acceptance that everything is in God's plan and it would be meaningless to make an effort to chase attractive girls since I'm gonna end up miserably.

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