Saturday, February 12, 2011

初九? o.0

This year's CNY, I learnt something new that I'd never known before. When I came back to Sunway, some friends told me that the ninth day of CNY is a very special day, and there will be a lot of fireworks. Surely some of u heard or seen a lot of fireworks on Thursday night (if ur studying in west malaysia), right? I was confused at first, because there's completely nth special abt 初九 in my hometown. Never heard a thing abt it.

Due to curiosity, I googled it on the internet and did find out a thing or two abt it... This is actually a celebration by Taoist (道教), where they say that this is the 人日... I oso heard people quoting it as "happy hokkien cny"... Just based on these few info, you can understand why my hometown never heard of such thing... firstly, my hometown Chinese ppl almost all are Foochows, less Hokkiens... secondly, even if there are Hokkiens, most of them would be Christians, as Taoist is so rare in Sibu.

So what exactly do they do on this day? My friend actually told me that all the special stuffs would be done on 初八, to prepare and await the arrival of midnight for 初九, perhaps... i dunno... lol... they got 拜天公and捞生(not too sure what they put in the plate for them to 捞)... one of my friends' family ate abalone at home, so i guess those who got celebrate all do... there is oso a whole roasted pig and of cuz, most important would be the fireworks, haha...

It's quite nice to know sth that I have never known in my life. Had free fireworks to enjoy from my unit and ausmat fren's unit windows that night, haha... anyway, now is 初十, five more days till the end of CNY 2011... Xp

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