Friday, February 25, 2011

爱错 - 王力宏

This is surely one of my favourite song of all time... It's so meaningful and sang with emotions... The chorus is the best! Love it, so recommend it to u all, although I think most of u should have heard of it before... enjoy~~~



19th birthday! ^^

Hello everyone, sry for not blogging for a whole week... Life has been quite busy with so many assessments and assignments shooting around here and there, and one more reason is the internet connection sucks! Anyway, now finally finished bio assessmen, I'll relax a bit...

So, 22nd of feb, which was the recent tuesday, was my 19th birthday! This year actually I wasn't expecting anything much from my family and frens... this is the 1st year I celebrate my birthday away from home, away from family, and away from all my secondary and church buddies... and unfortunately, right after my bd, weds is maths assessments and thurs is bio assessments, so I predicted my bd to be a very boring and no importance type of day... however, it was actually much much better than I thought it would be...

U just feel so naturally happy on ur bd, and everything just seemed to go so well... for the whole day of my bd, I replied so many smses and fb posts wishing me 'happy birthday'... although all these might seem insignificant, however every wish reli comforted my heart a lot... this is especially the case when my hometown buddies wished me, cuz although we're separated by distance, they still remembered my bd, which I'm truly grateful...

Of cuz, other than all these, there's surprises along the way... I received a present from my Sunway frens! A pair of brand new Adidas futsal shoes, just the thing I need at the moment... since I started playing futsal back at my hometown, I never had a proper pair of futsal shoes, but now I finally got one, thx to so many of them (Cindy, Mabel, Annie, Jason, Clement, Matthew, Vignaa, Lik Sing, Rafael, Abraham, Dikiat, Hooinee, Cherish, Jian Hao)... it's reli damn nice and I bet it didn't come cheap... Thank you very much! XD

Nice, right? Muahaha...

For the whole day in college, everyone seemed to know that it was my birthday (could be facebook!)... everywhere I go, everyone I meet would offer their hands for their birthday wishes, it reli made me feel joyful and happy... even in classes, lecturers would do the same... that evening, I went to attend a mass in Sunway University... the priest actually offered my birthday as an intention of the mass, and at the end of the mass, everyone sang the birthday song for me... I was reli touched and felt that I'm reli a God's blessed child...

All in all, this year reli turned out unexpectedly for me... I had a great birthday, and I just wanna say a big THANK YOU to all for making my 19th birthday a memorable one... =)

Friday, February 18, 2011

End of CNY =.=

CNY ended so simply this year... no big meals, no fireworks, no holidays... I had to go college till 5pm, then had nasi goreng USA as my dinner for Chap Goh Meh, so pathetic... Plus, there's nth to be happy abt for the whole day... oh well, since CNY 2011 is officially ended now, I shud start focusing myself on studies already... no more too much fun, relaxing or whatever... assignments, assessments, quizzes, presentations.... all these will be my life for the next 3 and half months... Although life hasn't been quite smooth and joyful lately, I believe that things will only get better, not worse... I believe in hope, and I believe in God, who will lead me through hard times... Albert Yong, 加油!! >.<

Saturday, February 12, 2011

初九? o.0

This year's CNY, I learnt something new that I'd never known before. When I came back to Sunway, some friends told me that the ninth day of CNY is a very special day, and there will be a lot of fireworks. Surely some of u heard or seen a lot of fireworks on Thursday night (if ur studying in west malaysia), right? I was confused at first, because there's completely nth special abt 初九 in my hometown. Never heard a thing abt it.

Due to curiosity, I googled it on the internet and did find out a thing or two abt it... This is actually a celebration by Taoist (道教), where they say that this is the 人日... I oso heard people quoting it as "happy hokkien cny"... Just based on these few info, you can understand why my hometown never heard of such thing... firstly, my hometown Chinese ppl almost all are Foochows, less Hokkiens... secondly, even if there are Hokkiens, most of them would be Christians, as Taoist is so rare in Sibu.

So what exactly do they do on this day? My friend actually told me that all the special stuffs would be done on 初八, to prepare and await the arrival of midnight for 初九, perhaps... i dunno... lol... they got 拜天公and捞生(not too sure what they put in the plate for them to 捞)... one of my friends' family ate abalone at home, so i guess those who got celebrate all do... there is oso a whole roasted pig and of cuz, most important would be the fireworks, haha...

It's quite nice to know sth that I have never known in my life. Had free fireworks to enjoy from my unit and ausmat fren's unit windows that night, haha... anyway, now is 初十, five more days till the end of CNY 2011... Xp

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


This year's CNY is just simply awesome, haha! There's actually not much difference in terms of events from all the other previous years, but the feeling is obviously much much different... why? I guess it's cuz this is the first year i'm celebrating it coming back from studies away from home...

Chinese new year eve is quite an exciting day as we all awaits the moment when the clock strikes 12am, and it's Happy Chinese New Year!! XD

团圆饭 (reunion dinner), Yummy!! Haha!!!

all the food prepared to serve the guests during CNY... a lot, right? xP

me helping my mum packing the angpaos on cny eve night...

Everything after that 12am onwards is about 拜年(visiting) !!!! Haha... Thursday went to all my relatives houses in one day... Friday belongs to my church friends... Saturday is the best, enjoyed time with all my close frens and former schoolmates... then Sunday, went to visit my secondary school teachers and a few more frens' houses... Overall, I went to almost 50 houses in this CNY, got lots of angpao, hahahaha...

our schedule on sat, which went a bit wrong at the later half...

group visitation with frens on sat =)

me serving my frens... hehe...

The guys! XD

This has been a great CNY, probably the best I'd ever have... Sad it have to end so fast and bring me back to Sunway so quickly... Oh well, at least I can meet my Sunway frens again... =)