Friday, November 19, 2010

My Holiday Life So Far

As I'd mentioned, the reason I opened this blog is because I'm just too bored at home lo. Right now I'm actually having my MUFY semester break (those who don't know, it means Monash University Foundation Year =D). It's almost two months long, very lucky, right?
Nah... When ur back at ur hometown by urself when all ur close frens r still studying in the west, it is actually very BORING!! Everyday I'm just stucked at home with nowhere to go, so pity myself... Haha... All my other MUFY frens r so busy everyday, movies... food... outings... So envy them la... =.=
So what I do at home everyday then? Wake up every morning between 10am and 12pm, eat brunch, computer, computer, computer....... then sleep between 1am and 3am at night... how pathetic is that? Zzzzz... I just hope I'll be more busy starting next week with all the church activities coming... Haha...

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