Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Cousin's Marriage

My cousin and his wife in the middle
It was a quite a hectic day for me yesterday. Attended my cousin's wedding ceremony at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Sibu in the morning, then went to my aunt's house for buffet lunch straight after the ceremony. Lastly at night, attended his wedding dinner at Kingwood Hotel. Actually I'm very close to this particular aunt, so that's why I can be considered to be quite close to this cousin and his brothers if compared to all my other cousins.
However, there's something that I observed yesterday that gave me something to think about. During the wedding ceremony, I was very close to the bride and bridegroom when the priest was asking them all those 'do you' questions and stuffs, as I was an altar server (if u dunno what is that, here's a pic of me, haha!).
me serving as an altar server (not during the wedding)
As u can see, I have to be beside the priest to assist him in his works. And yesterday morning, my duty was to hold the microphone for both the priest and the bride and bridegroom. Let's get to the point then. So when it was time for exchanging rings, I held the microphone for the bride and the bridegroom as they said their vows to each other. What reli attracted my attention was the way they said it, and the way they looked into one another's eyes. Both of them were so nervous, and when they uttered the words "N., take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity", I looked at their eyes and saw the deepest and truest love and trust they poured out to each other through those words. Although those were just a few simple English words, they contained some of the deepest meanings and feelings which not everyone will understand unless u experience it urself.
After thinking about that for a while, I came to a conclusion that marriage is something that is very sacred and meaningful. It should only happen once in everyone's lifetime. As u utter those words to ur other half, u should mean it to the fullest and keep ur promise to ur other half for the rest of ur life. As I looked at my cousin, I reli hope that one day, I'll be in his position to utter those words to that someone out there, and I promise myself that I'll utter it from the bottom of my heart and have no regrets. ;)

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