Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Friends and Life

Friendships are moments in life, can be short or long... realistically, most friendships are short... only a few are chosen to last long, as long as u can imagine... even if they last long, r the characters involved close frens or normal frens? How do u define 'close'?
For me, close frens means frens that have a mutual relationship where both parties care abt each other at all times and there r no such word as 'secret' in their dictionary... Most ppl I'll say, have one close frens in their lives, while some r lucky enuf to have more than one... however, for some ppl, there's not even one in their everyday lives... so where do I belong then? Oh well, I guess I belong to the latter category...
For those who have close frens in their lives, I think it's only sensible for them to cherish every minute of their friendships, as compared to ppl like me who can't even get hold of one second of it... I walk alone, yes that's a fact... but one day, I believe that I won't anymore...

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