Saturday, August 18, 2012

Holidays, without my best friend.

Yeah, finally some much needed holidays are here! In another 5 hours, I'll be landing in Sibu to have my one week long raya holidays. After 4 weeks of intense MBBS curriculum, I seriously need my rest (though after this, it's gonna be 2++ consecutive months of much more grueling curriculum, sigh!). During this coming week, I really hope to have as much fun as I can, but it's just not possible as I have to study for the coming mid semester exam after raya holidays. T.T

Anyway, at this very moment, my best friend, Sing Kiet is on his way to US to further his studies. On Thursday night, Eric, Kuen Luen and I went to the airport to bid him farewell, as he's most probably not gonna come back in the next 3 years. Though the gathering was quite short, I think that memory will always be valuable and nostalgic in the future. We did manage to surprise him with some gifts in the form of a beanie, a card with our hearty wishes and a 2R photo of the 4 of us. They serve as early birthday gifts as well as farewell gifts to our best buddy, and I was glad he liked them. =D

Shall always be best friends!
As I have written in the card to him, me and him, we have come a long way in our friendship. From knowing him since primary 2 when I first moved to Sibu, till we graduated from Form 5 in secondary school, we were classmates for 10 years. In that period, our friendship evolved from being normal friends who fought childish fights with each other till we became best friends. In the end, that smartass got overseas offer from JPA while I could only stay local, haha!

We had our differences, we had our fights and quarrels, but I guess those are the things that strengthen our friendship even more. Now that he has left to US, guess I won't have anymore solo breakfast sessions with him in Sibu during my holidays already, too bad! I can only now wish him all the best in the States, and may our friendship never fade in the years to come. Good luck, bro!

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