Saturday, June 16, 2012

Genting Trip!

So, the first of two trips for my semester break is to Genting Highlands! Well, we went in a group of 9 on Thurday, and started our journey early in the morning by car.

Once we reached the cable cars, we parked our cars there and used cable cars to go up to Genting. This is actually my first time sitting in a cable car, so it was quite interesting, haha! (though some of my frens were scared of heights and keep complaining, LOL!)

Met up with another group of frens from our course for lunch. They were here a day earlier and was gonna leave Genting once they're done with Genting. It was great meeting up with them, though the food at Genting is just freaking expensive. I actually ate a RM12 wantan mee which tasted below standard. -_-


There u go, the most recent ticket prices at Genting Theme Park. We went for Outdoor Theme Park which costed RM50 per person. You might feel it's more expensive than last time, but actually now they let us go for Flying Coaster FOC (last time is RM10 per ride!).

First ride of the day, Sungai Rajang Flume Ride. Got incredibly wet right after the first ride, gosh! >.<

Pirate ship. Still think Sunway Lagoon's Pirate Ship is much better as it goes 360 degrees.

Lined up for around an hour for Bumper Boat, it was still worth it though. =P

Corkskrew, aka roller coaster. This is the best roller coaster in Genting, and quite exciting as well, haha.

Space Shot!! I actually played this twice on the day, and I have to say, apart from Flying Coaster, this is the best ride in Genting! So scary when you're falling free fall from so high up, OMG!

The good old Spinner! Still as nice as ever.

In the end, we left Genting quite late due to taking so many group photos with other course mates we met in the theme park. This is my favourite picture, too bad two of our members didn't come with us. It would have been so awesome. But then again, enjoyed this one-day trip to Genting! =P

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