Thursday, June 28, 2012

Life lacking of motivation and interests right now

I've been home in Sibu for almost a week now, and life's starting to get really boring. Just so you know, I'll be staying in Sibu for exactly one month for my semester break. Though coming back started out quite interestingly as the day I came back on was Dumpling Festival, and I get to go out with many frens who happen to be in Sibu now, it's starting to get really boring. It's cuz my best fren, Sing Kiet had since went off to Australia for vacation, and another guy is going back to KL soon this weekend, leaving me as the only guy left alone in Sibu with all the others being girls! T.T

Well, that's not just it. I'm starting to find it hard to recognize motivations and interests in my life. Being in holiday, I do not know what I should do at all. I don't chat with anyone consistently these days, as no one is so close to me anymore other than SK. My phone never rings anymore as no one would text me to chat with me, and vice versa. I'm not motivated to read anything at all too, be it academically related or not. Being out of motivations and interests, means I'm running out of ideas to blog as well!

The only things that I'm doing nowadays are watching movies and sleep. Well, maybe I should just hope to get back to uni asap, but the thought of leaving my hometown is just as bad as well, sigh. At least last time I still had someone to be emo about, but now not even close to one! That's how forever alone I am at the moment -_-

Monday, June 18, 2012

Melaka Vacation!

The 2nd vacation trip after the end of my 1st semester, Melaka! Yeah!! This is the 2nd time in my life of going to Melaka, the first time being last year's April when I went with 2 MUFY frens. This time though, I went with 5 course mates from my medicine course, and it was filled with total fun and delicious foods! XD One of them provided and drove a car there, so transport was not a problem... And we stayed at a cheap hotel just to save cost. >.< Alright, as always, let the pictures do the talking! Haha!

Chicken rice balls! We ate it at Restoran Famosa in Jonker Street. It's not one of the most famous chicken rice ball shops in Melaka though, the two most famous being Chung Wah and Hoe Kee, but we still chose there to save the trouble of queuing up under the hot sun. It was okay, but I would like to eat the famous ones in future, just to see what's so special about them that there are freaking long lines outside at all times! Anyway, the picture above is a set of fried chicken rice ball (5 balls) at RM5.

After lunch, we went to San Shu Gong, a shop to buy local products, biscuits and stuffs like that. The shop is at the entrance of Jonker Street, right beside Chung Wah chicken rice ball shop, and if you're planning on buying some souvenirs in the form of local food products, do come here! =D

Of course, for some of my friends who have never been to Melaka before, the historical sites and museums certainly attracted their attention. So we went to Stadthuys, numerous museums, Christ Church, St Paul's Church and Porta de Santiago while taking lots of photos along the way. ^^

After all the walking and visiting, nothing beats Durian Cendol for a perfect teatime! Got this from Jonker 88 which is the no.88 shop on Jonker Street, if you don't understand the name of the shop. This is arguably the best food we ate on the whole trip, coming at RM4, filled with durian paste and gula melaka. Eating it just feels like heaven, literally! Haha!

Other than that, we got some laksa's from Jonker 88 as well. Above is Nyonya Asam Laksa which costs RM5. It was nice, though one of my Penang friend claims that Penang Asam Laksa is way better.

My favourite laksa from Jonker 88 was this, Baba Laksa kahwin Nyonya Asam Laksa, RM5. Basically it's a mixture of two types of laksa, and it tasted so NICE! Wouldn't mind eating this all the time, though it still doesn't beat the best laksa of all time, Sarawak Laksa! Hahaha.

At night, we went out to Jonker Street for shopping and a bit of food. This Jonker Street night market only opens on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, so be sure to visit Melaka during weekends if you don't want to miss this. The Jonker Street night market is different from normal night markets you have in Selangor area in the sense that it's less food but more products and cheap stuffs for shopping. Due to all the varieties of stuffs sold there at low prices, the 3 girls went on rampage with their shopping mode activated, and we spent around 3 hours there, OMG!

After that, we just couldn't miss one of the primary attraction of Melaka food, satay celup! Last year, I went to Ban Lee Siang, but this year we went to Capitol, hence I was ready to compare the both of them. Not sure if it's the truth or maybe it's just been too long since I last ate satay celup, Capitol seemed to taste better than Ban Lee Siang. Though each stick comes at RM0.90, which is more expensive than Ban Lee Siang's which comes at RM0.70 (last year), the sticks are somehow bigger and I like the sauce here better than Ban Lee Siang.

Satay celup for supper, truly fattening! LOL!

The next morning, we decided to have breakfast before going back to Sunway. And we came to this shop where my friends claimed to have nice wantan mee and char kuay teow. We didn't get to eat the char kuay teow, but surely I'm not gonna miss the most awesome wantan mee I've ever tasted in my life!

FYI, the wantan mee in Melaka uses some unique chili sauce instead of the normal black sweet sauce. Initially I wasn't expecting much as I'm not a chili lover at all, but I have to say, it was so delicious that I'm not gonna order another black sweet sauce wantan mee in my life ever again. I can't describe the taste, but it was just so awesome, and quite cheap as well at RM3.30.

Overall, this Melaka trip was just so lovely and delicious, haha! I have to say, I really LOVE Melaka, and at the moment, I place it at my 2nd personal favourite place, behind my beloved hometown Sibu only (though that might all change when I finally get to go to Penang and other various places in future). Not sure when will be the next time of coming back to Melaka, but surely this will not be the last! =P

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Genting Trip!

So, the first of two trips for my semester break is to Genting Highlands! Well, we went in a group of 9 on Thurday, and started our journey early in the morning by car.

Once we reached the cable cars, we parked our cars there and used cable cars to go up to Genting. This is actually my first time sitting in a cable car, so it was quite interesting, haha! (though some of my frens were scared of heights and keep complaining, LOL!)

Met up with another group of frens from our course for lunch. They were here a day earlier and was gonna leave Genting once they're done with Genting. It was great meeting up with them, though the food at Genting is just freaking expensive. I actually ate a RM12 wantan mee which tasted below standard. -_-


There u go, the most recent ticket prices at Genting Theme Park. We went for Outdoor Theme Park which costed RM50 per person. You might feel it's more expensive than last time, but actually now they let us go for Flying Coaster FOC (last time is RM10 per ride!).

First ride of the day, Sungai Rajang Flume Ride. Got incredibly wet right after the first ride, gosh! >.<

Pirate ship. Still think Sunway Lagoon's Pirate Ship is much better as it goes 360 degrees.

Lined up for around an hour for Bumper Boat, it was still worth it though. =P

Corkskrew, aka roller coaster. This is the best roller coaster in Genting, and quite exciting as well, haha.

Space Shot!! I actually played this twice on the day, and I have to say, apart from Flying Coaster, this is the best ride in Genting! So scary when you're falling free fall from so high up, OMG!

The good old Spinner! Still as nice as ever.

In the end, we left Genting quite late due to taking so many group photos with other course mates we met in the theme park. This is my favourite picture, too bad two of our members didn't come with us. It would have been so awesome. But then again, enjoyed this one-day trip to Genting! =P

Monday, June 11, 2012

Holidays are here, FINALLY!

YES!! My first semester as a medicine student is officially OVER!! Hahaha... After a whole month of hard work and non-stop studies, finally I've completed today's examination... Though I'm a bit disappointed cuz I could have done better, but oh well, who cares anymore, right?? Hahaha... Until the results come out, I shall not concern myself about it... For now, I'm gonna enjoy my holidays as much as I can, 6 weeks worth of holiday, must use everyday of it to the full extent!! Haha...

P.S. I'm gonna try to blog more from now on, at least for the next 6 weeks... Will try to update more about my holidays... =)