Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'm Back~~~ XD

Finally!! Home after one week camp at the catholic pastoral centre, sibu, haha... The camp was super super nice, spent a whole week of precious and meaningful time with old friends and new friends... there were a lot of super interesting activities which I'll share with u all in the next post when I get some photos to post along with them... haha... now i'm just reli tired after all that 'highing', shouting, dancing blah blah blah... I'm just surprised why not more ppl wanted to join this camp, because in my opinion, this is better than any of the Youth Congress' I joined before... haha... so too bad the others didn't come...
Anyway, as I said before, my Mufy first semester results came out while my camp was in progress, specifically on weds... I thought I wouldn't get the opportunity to know my results until I came out of camp lo... but some of the committee members brought their laptop into the camp, and they have broadband oso, yeah! Even before going into the camp, Amelia (my Methodist schoolmate, oso Mufy, but 2nd sem) and I were very nervous abt the results ady, so u can imagine how it was like for us on weds... But let me make one thing straight, she was a hundred thousand times more nervous than me, u can be sure of that... XD
Around 1pm that day, we went into the committee room to check, but the results wasn't out! Amelia was ady crying before that, and when she saw that the result wasn't out yet, hahahaha.... Then around 3pm, we asked our friend, a committee member, to check for us because we weren't allowed to go into the room anymore... he came out with Amelia's result first, then mine... Hmmm, I dunno how my fellow Mufy-ians did la, but solely looking at my own results, I think I shud be satisfied with it, haha... just hope I can do well next sem... ^^

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