Sunday, December 19, 2010

Adventus Rally~~~

Yesterday was such a tiring day lo!! I was the rally coordinator for this Adventus Rally... it's like a one day church camp... 200 ppl registered for this, so it was quite big... but in the end, only 150 came... everything was planned quite ok at first, we did all the decorations, planned all the activities...
But the biggest problem came..... The P.A. System was too lousy! The sound was too soft, ppl at the back cant hear at all, haiz... this reli spoilt a lot of our adventus rally in the end... if that's not enuf, many of the participants were just too childish and ignorant, never listen to our orders one... haiz... becuz this was an one day camp, we can't punish them oso... So in the end, we can't do anything oso...
However, overall the Adventus Rally went on smoothly, our time management went off schedule a few times, but we managed to pull the time back everytime oso... Thank God as most ppl enjoyed a great time yesterday! After the Adventus Rally, we went for the christmas procession at Towns Square Sibu at night... All the youths were so high, haha... Lastly, we had a dance performance for 'Joy to the World' in front of the Sibu crowd, it was reli great...
All in all, although yesterday was reli a tiring day for me, I must admit this is the best holiday I had so far in Sibu... most meaningful and most high... haha.... I can't wait for Youth Congress 2011 next year to come... XD

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