Sunday, December 26, 2010

Time Flies~~~~~~

Oh my gosh! One week left only, 7 short days!! T.T
I'm going to miss a lot of things here, a lot of food here, a lot of places here, a lot of ppl here, some ppl especially~~~
This is so damn depressing........... >.<

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Season xP

I just LOVE the Christmas season so much every year... I anticipate it the most every year, cuz it's always the most meaningful time of the year for me... It's the time where everything seems so magical, the Christmas songs played r so heartwarming... i get to hang out with frens and join in church activities which r all so interesting and meaningful... It would even be much more special if we had winter here in Sibu, haha...
However, we shud never forget the real meaning of Christmas while going through this fantastic season... Christmas symbolises the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ... On this holy night, we shud give thanks to God as our Messiah was sent down to us approximately 2000 years ago... Praise the Lord! Alleluia!! =D
As for the Christmas season this year, as expected there's a lot of activities for me, mainly church ones of cuz... I joined the christmas procession last Saturday night... yesterday we had christmas caroling  for the whole night, it was indeed a very meaningful night for me... tonight is the christmas eve mass, tomolo christmas... and so on and so on.... haha... hope i'll be able to enjoy this season as much as i can this year... xP

Thursday, December 23, 2010

There Is None Like You

There is none like You.
No one else can touch my heart like You do,
I can search for all eternity Lord
And find, there is none like You.

Your mercy flows like a river wide,
And healing comes from Your hand.
Suffering children are safe in Your arms,
There is none like You.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Adventus Rally~~~

Yesterday was such a tiring day lo!! I was the rally coordinator for this Adventus Rally... it's like a one day church camp... 200 ppl registered for this, so it was quite big... but in the end, only 150 came... everything was planned quite ok at first, we did all the decorations, planned all the activities...
But the biggest problem came..... The P.A. System was too lousy! The sound was too soft, ppl at the back cant hear at all, haiz... this reli spoilt a lot of our adventus rally in the end... if that's not enuf, many of the participants were just too childish and ignorant, never listen to our orders one... haiz... becuz this was an one day camp, we can't punish them oso... So in the end, we can't do anything oso...
However, overall the Adventus Rally went on smoothly, our time management went off schedule a few times, but we managed to pull the time back everytime oso... Thank God as most ppl enjoyed a great time yesterday! After the Adventus Rally, we went for the christmas procession at Towns Square Sibu at night... All the youths were so high, haha... Lastly, we had a dance performance for 'Joy to the World' in front of the Sibu crowd, it was reli great...
All in all, although yesterday was reli a tiring day for me, I must admit this is the best holiday I had so far in Sibu... most meaningful and most high... haha.... I can't wait for Youth Congress 2011 next year to come... XD

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I think I've grown tired of some groups of ppl in my life ady... I always thought that these ppl will be my great companions when I first got to know them... but as life goes on, slowly I realise the true colours of these ppl... oh well, they proved me wrong, BIG TIME! So, what happened actually? Is it them or is it me? Hmmm... maybe it's me...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'm Back~~~ XD

Finally!! Home after one week camp at the catholic pastoral centre, sibu, haha... The camp was super super nice, spent a whole week of precious and meaningful time with old friends and new friends... there were a lot of super interesting activities which I'll share with u all in the next post when I get some photos to post along with them... haha... now i'm just reli tired after all that 'highing', shouting, dancing blah blah blah... I'm just surprised why not more ppl wanted to join this camp, because in my opinion, this is better than any of the Youth Congress' I joined before... haha... so too bad the others didn't come...
Anyway, as I said before, my Mufy first semester results came out while my camp was in progress, specifically on weds... I thought I wouldn't get the opportunity to know my results until I came out of camp lo... but some of the committee members brought their laptop into the camp, and they have broadband oso, yeah! Even before going into the camp, Amelia (my Methodist schoolmate, oso Mufy, but 2nd sem) and I were very nervous abt the results ady, so u can imagine how it was like for us on weds... But let me make one thing straight, she was a hundred thousand times more nervous than me, u can be sure of that... XD
Around 1pm that day, we went into the committee room to check, but the results wasn't out! Amelia was ady crying before that, and when she saw that the result wasn't out yet, hahahaha.... Then around 3pm, we asked our friend, a committee member, to check for us because we weren't allowed to go into the room anymore... he came out with Amelia's result first, then mine... Hmmm, I dunno how my fellow Mufy-ians did la, but solely looking at my own results, I think I shud be satisfied with it, haha... just hope I can do well next sem... ^^

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Out for a week :(

Going to a camp called 'Discipling Timothy' starting from tomolo till saturday lo... means I won't blog for a whole week oso... haha... anyway, there's not going to be many participants this time as compared to youth congress in the past few years, but I still hope it's gonna be fun... The bad thing now is that I can't check my MUFY result on weds!!! Haiz... nervous leh... :(

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The end of my teaching experience

Two weeks of being a teacher passed so quickly, it feels as though i just seen those little faces yesterday... Anyway, many things happened during this second week, I won't write out everything... What's worth mentioning is the closing ceremony this morning... Every class have to do one performance and there is of cuz the prize giving session...
For me, it was quite a hectic morning... I was the MC for the whole closing ceremony, helped with the drama performance and performed a dance (which I almost screwed up for the team, paiseh... haha) ... it was quite nice and everyone had a great time... I surely do hope I can help again next year... Haha...