I'm nothing special, just a typical guy trying to grasp a hold of this world. Here I am to share with you all the twists and turns of my life. Hope ya all enjoy it. ^^
Friday, February 24, 2012
My 20th birthday!!
Well well, in a blink of an eye, my 20th birthday passed just like that... For those of u who still doesn't know, my birthday falls on 22nd Feb every year, which was two days ago on Wednesday... This year, I was neither in Sibu nor Sunway to celebrate my birthday, as I had to go to Port Dickson to join a transition camp, which is part of orientation (more of that in the next blog post ^^)... So, as expected, no one actually celebrated for me on my birthday... I even stopped showing my DOB on facebook this year, as I wanted to prevent ppl from spamming my wall, but surprisingly, numerous ppl still wished me, haha...
However, there were actually two surprises for my birthday this year... 1st of all, my Sibu frens, 13 of my ex-schoolmates gave me an early birthday present, a Manchester United home jersey!! Oh my gosh, this has to be the best birthday present I have ever got from anyone in my whole life... I have been dreaming of having my own MU jersey for so long, and now that dream has come true, big THANK YOU to the 13 of u! XD And mind you all, it didn't come for a cheap price too @@
The jersey!! =P
The 2nd one was even more surprising, as it was after my birthday on Thursday night... The camp organisers, which would be my seniors, actually came out with a cake and celebrated for those whose birthday fell on 22nd till 24th Feb... I must say I was truly stunned and this was reli memorable... Thank you seniors!!
There goes my birthday this year... though nth much happened on my actual birthday itself, the 2 surprises along with it were enough to make this birthday the memorable one yet... =D
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